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In a recent article in this Journal, Eric Moore criticized an earlier essay of mine published in this same Journal on two fronts. On the first, he criticized my criticisms of broad internalism for relying on abstract moral principles too far removed from the practice of sport to adjudicate normative conflicts in which disputants cannot agree on what is the purpose of sport. On the second front, he criticized my reliance on what he called Rorty’s “controversial” views of truth and rationality to back up my criticisms of broad internalism. I find both criticisms forceful but not persuasive. In my reply, therefore, I defend both use of Rorty’s and other similar historicist takes on rational justification and my criticisms of broad internalism principles-based approach to normative inquiry in sport.  相似文献   
基于有限理性和传染机制的金融资产定价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋军  吴冲锋 《预测》2001,20(4):13-16
主要讨论基于有限理性和传染机制的资产定价模型,该模型包括:买价(卖价)的动态方程、目标价格的动态方程、买价(卖价)的连续微分方程的推导,市场价格的方程和一阶距和二阶矩方程,实现了从微观上市场参与者的特征到宏观上市场价格的有效转换,基于有限理论和传染机制的资产定价模型可以解释金融资产产的价格泡沫和波动率过大现象。  相似文献   
借鉴新制度经济学内部治理结构的概念,根据员工胜任力的企业专用性和生产力的可衡量性特征,定义了4种不同的企业人力资源内部治理结构,提出了企业如何以经济理性主义原则为指导,基于不同的治理结构在人力资源规划、薪酬和控制等方面应采取的策略和方法。  相似文献   
技术的不断进步对教育领域相关政策的制定起着越来越重要的作用.《美国国家教育技术计划》是提高技术在教育中应用的纲领性文件.从技术批判理论的视角出发,通过文本分析的研究方法,揭示出技术影响下蕴含在教育领域中一种追求效率的技术理性思维,具体表现为基于数据分析的真理判定、基于技术系统的社会秩序、基于技术素养的教育目的.文章借鉴技术批判理论的观点,试图探求解决当下教育政策文本中过于追求技术理性的问题,实现理性与艺术的结合.据此,对我国教育技术政策制定提供一定的启示,包括关注时代合理性诉求,反思人文不合理问题,权衡技术与人的关系.  相似文献   
This paper follows recent debates on the ontological turn in the social sciences and humanities to exemplify how this turn creates important openings of methodological and political potential in education. In particular, the paper makes an attempt to show two things: first, the new questions and possibilities that are opened from explicitly acknowledging the methodological and political consequences of the ontological turn in education—e.g. concerning agency, transformation, materiality and relations; and second, the importance of being clear about how educators and educational researchers conceptualize ontology and engage with debates on the ontological turn in related disciplines. The paper sketches some of the methodological and political implications of the ontological turn for education, focusing in particular on the concept of learning.  相似文献   
批判精神是西方哲学最根本的表现,而对"人"的关怀同样是构成西方哲学的核心之一。这在苏格拉底和海德格尔二人身上表现得尤为明显。然而不可否认的是,在他们共同的思想基底之上横置着一条无形的万里长城:理性和非理性的对立。  相似文献   
巩固中国共产党长期执政的道德基础,解决人心向背问题是关键。新时期中国共产党加强执政能力建设,巩固、扩大党的执政基础,必须从多方面奠定党长期执政的道德合理性基础,必须始终坚持走群众路线。只有全面贯彻马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和党的十六届四中、五中全会精神,真正做到“立党为公、执政为民”,不断增强党执政的道德合理性,才能切实提高党的执政能力。  相似文献   
现代性问题是现代社会的理论缩影和主导话语,诸多不同领域的思想家都从各自的视角给予普遍关注,结论莫衷一是。因此有必要对现代性问题的前提进行反思。现代性的方法论之思表明必须超越狭隘的“视角主义”走向“视域共现”;与之相关的是,现代性的多重论域之思表明现代性问题研究的“领域共现”;作为哲学言说主题的现代性之思,旨在开显思入现代性问题的通路:启蒙——现代性的品格;自我——现代性的灵魂;理性——现代性的生命。可以说,启蒙、自我与理性共同勾勒和描绘出了现代性问题的全新图景。  相似文献   
Metaphysics and learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is it possible to learn and simultaneously articulate the metaphysical basis of that learning? In my contribution to the forum I tell of how I came to recognise that bilingual Yoruba children could articulate the contrasting metaphysical framings of Yoruba and English numbering. The story introduces an arena I call 'ontics' that recognises the contingencies of metaphysical commitments in the present. My claim is that learning to recognise and strategically articulate ontics as enacted metaphysical commitments in the present is useful in cross-cultural and transdisciplinary learning and crucial in inquiring into learning.  相似文献   
在社会不确定性事件下,经典经济学的完全理性受到了来自认知科学的挑战。认知经济学的发展冲破了完全理性的局限,提出在社会不确定事件下,存在着个体的有限理性和群体的有限理性,强调要正确认识个体理性和学习、群体理性和制度演化的关系。认知经济学在本体论上属于个人主义,在认识论上属于实证主义,与经典经济学处于完全不同的路径。  相似文献   
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